Sunday, April 13, 2008

Make A Noise: May 31st Heathrow Protest

Greenpeace, HACAN, Campaign against Climate Change, 2M, NOTRAG...

All these groups, and many people will be making a stand against airport expansion, not just at heathrow but within the UK as a whole.

Come, join us, make some noise, on MAY 31st!

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At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always believed that this planet can change to the better.

I hove the Noise 31 may will be a beautiful noise of wishes for good things that we want to se. It is essential that we ask for the good things that we want.

We must always changes our words to postive visions for the future bacause the Universal Law of Attracts those things we want, and since the Universe cannot disingish between "yes" and "no" but only listen to our sentense one can understand that it is best to say:

"We can solve the climate crisis"
"We want better leaders"
"We want peace on earth"
"We want people to take hold on nature"

We must always say want we want because this is what is given to us by the Universal Law of Attraction.


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