Thursday, April 24, 2008

National Climate Camp Meeting: London 10th-11th May

On Tuesday Friends of the Earth and Stop Climate Chaos held a public meeting at Friends Meeting House on Euston Road. A large crown turned out to hear Environment Secretary Hillary Benn and Environment spokesmen for both the Lib-Dem's and Tories talk about there position on the Climate Bill which has just passed the House of Lords and is heading back to the Commons.

Hillary seemed reasonable if not visionary; thats a shame really becuase we need a visionary to deal with an urgen challenge rather than a large problem. Jo Abess has written a review of the proceedings over at her climate college. The main reason for mentioning this event, wasnt to highlight the great work that FOE are doing, but to share my experiance of leafleting at the event. I was there to highlight the next national organisational meeting for the Climate Camp. There was a lot of support for this despite the numerous campaigns that had congregated to reach others concerned about climate change. There was just one attitutde that bothered me, people expected that the climate camp would exist and that they could just turn up for the week. This is not a f%7("~g festival! It dosent just appear, it is created by all those who come together to make it happen; it is a free event with donattions for some services requested, the real price of addmitance is involvement!

At the national organizational meeting we will have job shops, and working groups lists so that everyone can find something big or small to suite there schedule. But i think everyone should expect to contribute something to the camp, weather that be helping with the website, spreading the word, organising workshops, finding the structures or the pumbing equipment. There are committed people who will put on this event at some scale, but if it is to grow then everyone has to know that participation is required.

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