Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Carbon reduction and health: London, Monday 30 June 2008

Just an update as part of my 'conference watch' initiative (just invented).

A significant conference for all medics with an interest in climate change is to be held on Monday 30th of June at Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 5-11 Theobald’s Road, London, WC1X 8SH

The conference entitled Carbon Reduction and Health is designed to answer three sets of questions:

  1. Heading for a Carbon Neutral NHS?
  2. Wanting to cut your hospital’s Carbon footprint?
  3. Tired of waste and pollution in the Health Service?

These questions will be aswered with a series of pesentations on:

  1. how to make your trust carbon neutral
  2. carbon friendly conferencing
  3. the green office
  4. the public health imperative

The days program:

  • 0845-0930 Registration and Coffee

MORNING SESSION: Planning it Chairman: Professor Alan Maryon Davis, President, Faculty of Public Health

  • 0930-0940 Introduction Dr Patricia Hamilton, President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  • 0940-1010 The public health imperative
    Dr Alan Maryon Davis, President, Faculty of Public Health
  • 1010-1040 The carbon footprint of the health sector Dr David Pencheon, NHS SD unit
  • 1040 Discussion
  • 1100-1120 Coffee & Press Conference
  • 1120-1150 Making the change – what support is available? Dr Tom Cumberledge,
    Carbon Trust
  • 1150-1230 How are we doing it: effecting change within organisations
    - a commercial organisation: how we engaged the workforce
    - an Acute Trust
    - A General Practice
    - A Royal College
  • 1230-1300 Discussion
  • 1300-1345 Lunch

AFTERNOON SESSION: Doing it Chairman: Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor, BMJ

  • 1345-1415 A new concept in conferencing Brian Murray, BT
  • 1410-1420 Speaking from a distance: perils of climate change
    Hugh Montgomery
  • 1420-1445 Offsetting: myth or reality? A debate Mayer Hillman, Policy Studies Institute & Julian Knight, Chairman of Coolaworld.
  • 1445-1600 Workshops (35 minutes each. Choice of 2)
    (a) How to measure a carbon footprint
    (b) The Green Office (including green energy)
    (c) Health Service Procurement
    (d) GPs
    (e) Media advocacy – how to influence
    (f) Conferencing BT
  • 1600-1615 Tea
  • 1615-1645 Panel on greening the NHS and closing remarks

For futher information or to book your ticket see the Royal Society for Pediatrics and Child Health events listing for 30th of June.

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