Monday, June 02, 2008

Heathrow Anti-Aviation Protest : May 31st.

May 31st was just the latest in a growing movement of protest against the expansion of heathrow, and of aviation more generally. At the heart of the protest is a coallition of residents groups and climate change campaigners. This may seem like a convenient alliance but not nessicarily one based on common values. However that is not really the case; both groups are strongly opposed to strong govornment ties to corporations and strongly supportive of local democracy. Also, as time goes by there is a growing awareness from local anti-aviation groups of the importance of climate change.

Fortunately several news channels picked up the story including sky news and ITN bellow:

Coverage of the protest was relatively good in the mainstream media but in general covored in more depth by blogs and campaign sites. A good overview of the coverage is available on Marc Vallee's blog.

More articles bellow:

  1. Respect Renewal
  2. Bubble in the Desert
  3. Arthur Mag (politics of aviation)
  4. Campaign against Climate Change (one of the organising groups)

Small media video coverage:

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Climate Change Action

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