Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nothin' to do with me, guv'!

I must confess that I haven't read the 6,300 pages of the State of the Future report as yet - nor shall I, to be frank - and I don't want to underestimate the many and varied non-western-derived problems facing out teeming billions as we crawl gasping towards "interesting times". A cartoon is a cartoon and cannot cover all bases.

I happen to like wind turbines -aesthetically as well as philosophically and practically.
I also love walking in wild country and one of the pleasures associated with that is the internal romance of timelessness that the absence of technology affords. Although the sight of a wind farm looming over the horizon as one crests a favourite hill might squash the wandering Viking fantasy, it's a sacrifice I'm more than happy to make. Wind farms are majestic and fruitful and we should welcome them into even our most precious panoramas.
Of course scale is an issue, but so is global climate chaos, which is rearing up over the horizon a lot quicker than we care to imagine.

Climate Change Action

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At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the states and am holding my breath that the country makes the right decision after the ridiculousness of the past eight years.

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