I shall thcream and thcream and thcream untill I'm thick.
Whilst the best advice available to the Government is that they are not doing nearly enough to avoid a 4 degree rise and a runaway rolling catastrophe, the plan seems to be to keep shtum and let the market find replacement indulgences that don't set off a mass entitlement-tantrum amongst the conspicuous consumers (that's us).
Of course more sustainable technology is good news - but the problem remains of replacing and doubling the entire planet's fleet of cars, building massive infrastructure etc. The pressing restructuring issue is not addressed with this sort of like for like replacement.
It seems that only denying people the ability to act destructively can actually stop people from acting destructively. Apparently it's OK if the market does this by flushing the economy down the toilet - but its definitely not OK to use taxes for the same purpose. Because that would create a budget for structural adaptation (which is evil and communistic) rather than a private profit bonanza (which is next to godliness). Heaven (and ideological purity) forbid that we should mix and match.
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