Thursday, December 11, 2008

Climate Protestors: Creating There Own Aviation Tax?

For various legal reasons taxing aviation isn't an easy thing to do. Thats a shame as even the British govornment acknowledge the importance of the polluter pays principal.

Now, it looks like climate change activists are getting around the problems of official taxation by levying a de facto security tax.

Tarmac incursions are particularly difficult to police because airports have huge surface areas. “The amount of time and money you would have to put into perimeter security is enormous,” an expert said. “Some airports are spending 40 percent of their entire budget on security, and that number is going to go up.” The additional cost would “undoubtedly” be paid for by the traveling public, he said. Source:


Climate Change Action

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At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe. I suppose its called Direct Action for a reason, then! PStupid should do this more often.


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