Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Icarus Ascending

The UK gov't tries to cover up the scandal of the Heathrow expansion with the fig-leaf of a (rhetorical?) tagged on Rail hub, but a hub without spokes does not make a wheel.

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At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, I'd be reasonably happy with this outcome, under certain proviso's that I think the airlines would murder me for:
1 - Direct trains to Paris/Brussels, which is actually incredibly easy (involves thing known as North of London line).
2 - Direct high-speed trains to Bristol, Manchester and Birmingham (easily achievable via Reading, with some upgrading, though Manchester faster via North of London, upgrade at Willesden Jnc).
2a - Direct high-speed trains to Leeds and Newcastle, poss also Edinburgh. North of London needed, but no connection available, and likely to need to turn into Kings Cross and then reverse North.
3 - Enforced ability to through-ticket from flights to trains, with advanced purchase discounts on both portions.
4 - A ban on all flights from London to all above destinations as the rail links become available. I understand this would wipe about 25% of flights off, if intermediate stops are included.

Sadly, I believe the problem is really that they intend to create a hub for low-speed, middle-distance trains, making connecting flights equally quick.


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