Sunday, January 04, 2009

Transforming the Global Economy: Solutions for a Sustainable World

Over the past couple of months there has been a large amount of thinking and commentary on the connections between the environmental crisis and the crisis in capitalism. This isn't a discussion that i have involved myself in, but for those of us interested in dipping a toe into the discussion, a talk by Susan George would seem to be theperfect place to start.

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At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crisis in capitalism..I still hear this nonsense. What crisis? SOME countries will have this year, maybe the next too negative GDP growth, some -2% max. What does it mean? We will be back somewhere in the year 2006, maybe 2005. If you look at Cuba or North Korea,you can see what does it mean "crisis". Great depression unemployment rate was around 25% in developed countries. Is this comparable??I know bad news sound bombastic, but why to panic?
Take care


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