Heathrow Expansion: Only if Labour Are Re-Elected
From John Stewart at HACAN:
So it looks like labour are going to risk there re-election simply for this runway, thats remarkably stupid...if i was being generous i`d say that the purely economic evidence is contested. Its a climate disaster and the local hate is so why are Labour soooo commited?
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BAA has confirmed that it will take them at least 18 months/2 years to work up detailed plans for a 3rd runway, a 6th terminal, any new approach roads, and the new flight paths which will be required. That means they will have nothing ready this side of the next General Election (due, at the latest, June 2010). And, as we know, both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have said they would scrap plans for a 3rd runway, if elected. This was confirmed in the debate initiated by the Conservatives on 28th January.
So it looks like labour are going to risk there re-election simply for this runway, thats remarkably stupid...if i was being generous i`d say that the purely economic evidence is contested. Its a climate disaster and the local hate is so why are Labour soooo commited?
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