Monday, August 16, 2010

Camp for Climate Action: 2010 Edinburgh

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Climate Change Action

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At 6:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi all i have been working with a small group of entrepreneurs on a green action bank idea for the past few months and have recently launched it. It is called SEIIAN.

We quantify and "bank" the green actions of our members. A member account statement show the amount of personal carbon credits and green hours they own. They can accumulate more of these by reducing their carbon emissions or performing green deeds. When they are ready, they can cash it out. We buy these from them on behalf of our supporters. Our supporters are ranked according to the contribution they provide to those doing green actions. This fuels more green action and also get people to think about their carbon impacts. Visit us at and simply register. Its free.

I hope this is not spamming in any respect. We are simply doing something that we believe will can have a tremendous impact on the environment.

Also happy to answer any questions.


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