Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Coal Action Scotland Update

Here's a brief update of what's been going on with Coal Action Scotland and what's coming up. There's a week to go before the Autumn Gathering and lots has been happening!

  1. New THWAC! short film
  2. (Finished so Omitted) THWAC Gathering 6th-10th November
  3. Coal Action Scotland October Newsletter
  4. Action Roundup
  5. Recent News

1. New THWAC! short film

A short film about the Happendon Wood Action Camp and fighting Scottish Coal in the Douglas Valley + Publicising Next Weeks Gathering

4. Omitted

3. October Newsletter

Download and distribute the Coal Action Scotland October Newsletter! Find it here:

front three pages: http://coalaction.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Oct-10-first-three-pages.pdf
back page: http://coalaction.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Oct-10-back-page.pdf

4. Action Round-up

Borehole Drilling Machine sabotaged in solidarity with The Happendon Wood Action Camp

Action against RPS group Glasgow in Solidarity with communities in Co. Mayo and South Lanarkshire

“Nae Coal at Hunterston”: Action against Ayrshire Power and Peel Holdings

CONsultations by Scottish Coal marked by actions against the mines in Douglas Valley

Beginnings of a new wave of direct action in the Douglas Valley against Scottish Coal

5. Recent News

Deadly Coal Tour Visits THWAC

Scottish Coal given a slap on the wrist for environmental damage in Ayrshire

Victory against Scottish Coal in Midlothian!

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