Friday, August 03, 2012

Good climate change science, policy and politics blogs.

I haven't updated this blog much recently. No promises but i think i`m going to get back into this in a pretty serious way, so check back here for climate change news, particularly if you are interested in a UK focus. Coming back to it i do wonder if i should change things in a major way, go to a new platform or change the theme. These are pretty serious decisions-in blogging terms--and i haven't decided any of them yet. What is quite obvious, however, is the need to update quite a few links. There are plenty of new resources and plenty of defunct old sources.

As a start i have updated my blog reading list and it now includes:

China Dialogue (link)
The Carbon Brief (link) NEW
Celsias (link)
De Smog Blog (link)
The Low Carbon Kid (link)
Grist (link)
Sustainablog (link)
TreeHugger (link)
ThinkProgress (link)
RenewableEnergyNews (link)
The Committee on Climate Change (link) NEW
Triple Pundit (link)
Foreign Policy Association on Climate Change (link)
Climate Policy (link)

A sizable number of these are already in my blogroll but they are mixed in with many now defunct sites so here they are; a list of interesting links, while i do the necessary pruning.

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