Sunday, September 25, 2005

Campaign against Climate Change Aberdeen (Update)

I have just recieved an update on the plans of the Abdn Campaign against climate change.
The meeting on the 4th as previously noted will not be occuring.

"We have decided to ask everybody to go to the Friends of the Earth talk on 5th October, then (between 9pm and 9.30 pm) go to the pub (The Globe) together and go through - a film night - a public meeting, with prior stalls - set a date for a next meeting."

for more updates see 'comments' on this post.

Climate Change Action

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At 3:07 PM, Blogger Calvin Jones said...

Ten of us met last Wednesday to launch an Aberdeen
Campaign Against Climate Change. For the next event,
please come to the

Music Hall
Wednesday, 5th October, 7.15 pm.

Aberdeen Friends the Earth are organising a public
meeting about Seabirds and Climate Change and about
the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition. The speakers will
be Dr Morten Frederiksen, international expert on
seabirds, and Duncan McLaren, Chief Executive of
Friends of the Earth Scotland. Duncan will tell us
about the Day of Action on Climate Change on 3rd
December, which we have decided to support in

Between 9pm and 9.30 pm we will continue our own
discussions at the Globe. We will discuss plans for a
film night, a public meeting and stalls, and for the
next organisational meeting. We hope to see you all
there! Please help to spread the word.
Feedback from 21st September discussion:

I gave a presentation about hurricanes and global
warming. The most important scientific findings are:

- no agreement whether the overall number of
hurricanes is increasing or likely to increase; BUT
- peer-reviewed evidence that the destructive power of
hurricanes in the tropical North Atlantic (ie the ones
threatening the US, Central America and the Caribbean)
has increased by 75%;
- peer-reviewed evidence that the number of Category 4
and 5 Hurricanes worldwide (ie the most destructive
ones) has doubled in line with global warming;
- Most studies only look at tropical hurricanes, but
intense storm activity has also doubled over the UK in
the past 50 years.

This is very shocking indeed, since scientists so far
had only expected a minute impact on hurricanes, with
a lot worse to come as the seas heat up by several
degrees, not just the half degree they have warmed so
far. If half a degree of warming of the oceans
doubles the most destructive hurricanes, the thought
of several degrees of warming is terrifying indeed!

Another lesson from New Orleans is that the very
measures to prevent flooding (the levees) are causing
the land to sink even faster then sea levels rise.
Vast areas of land have been lost to the Gulf of
Mexico, because the Mississippi can no longer rebuild
the land by depositing silt. A lot is being said
about "adapting" to climate change, and building ever
stronger flood defences. Yet those very defences
might be the opposite of adaptation - they might
overcome natures ability to protect the land from
storms and tidal waves, and drown people even sooner.
Any parallels between New Orleans and planned
development in the Thames flood plains?


Calvin Jones from Aberdeen will go to the national
planning meeting for the Campaign Against Climate
Change in Oxford on 1st October. There will be a
similar planning meeting for Scotland, date to be

We hope to organise a film night, a public meeting,
and stalls, and to mobilise for the 3rd December demo
in Edinburgh.


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