Thursday, March 16, 2006

News Highlight: Carbon Capture and Storage...Progress!

With the worlds fastest growing economies, India and China, having some of the worlds largest reserves of coal it seems impossible to forsee these reserves not being utilised. This impression is futher hightended when we look at the issue of energy security. Currently the vast majority of oil in both the aforementioned nations is sourced externally. Conservation and efficiency, societal, and technical will surely increase the units of GDP created per tone of CO2, in economies growing at around 8% however, this will never be sufficent to curb emmisions sufficently.

Bearing all this in mind, and bearing in mind also the extrodinary qauntities of carbon that are about to be consumed, it is vital that we implement carbon capture and storage rapidly.

Thankfully the technological constraints are comming to an end, now the only limits are economic-and in the end-policy ones.

The construction of the worlds first comercial scale power station with carbon capture and storage has just got underway. The article on this 480MW can be found here. An article i wrote about carbon capture and storage, around the time of the IPCC special report on CCS can be found here.

Postscript; Climate Change, NewsA, ScienceA

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