Saturday, May 13, 2006

TheWatt Podcast

Hello all, i have just been speaking to Ben from TheWatt podcast about all things climate and energy related.The show isn't out yet but fortunately for you there are another 56 episodes to work through before it comes out! Strichtly speaking an energy podcast, Ben does however move into overt discussions of climate change on a fairly regular basis, check out the show!

For those of you who came from TheWatt, the links bellow where covored in the show but first things first...This blog can be subscribed to via RSS, Bloglines or via Bloglet (email). The blog is also searchable, for example use the term VideoA to find all past climate change related videos, such as an entire 1hr:20min presentation that Al Gore gave on climate change, and many more goodies.

1. Links to a wide variety of renewables can be found
here, a superb report about distributed energy systems and the current wastage of energy can be found here, the report about wave and tidal power can be found here.

2. The article about increasing wind turbine sizes can be found
here, and an article indicating that wind is the cheapest form of power in Texas can be found here.

3. The science and technology commitee report about CCS can be found
here--this has a uk focus.The IPCC special report, that addresses the issue of capacity and security can be found at the base of this article, it also covers all the technical aspects such as energy required for co2 compression.

4. The letter from Tony Blair to David Milliband asking him to setup a 'climate office' can be found

5. The political situation in the UK can be judged by searching google news for 'conservative climate change' or 'david cameron climate change'...the Indipendant and Gaurdian have websites that are saturated with climate change articles if you do a search.

6. My views about progress on public climate change perceptions in the USA are due to numerous articles and coverage of certain events, the occurance...Rising oil prices, Katrina, the Montreal climate talks but also media coverage in The Newyorker, Time, Vanity Fair and many others...finally a recent report carried out for the whitehouse concluded that climate change is definelty real and a serious issue.

I am currently working for
campaign against climate change, a small London based NGO that managed to coordinate action in over 20 countries last year and to get 10,000 people on the streets of London, this year things are going to be bigger. I am currently helping to organise one of the most diverse climate conferences that i have ever heard of, with over 35 speakers ranging from academics to activists to union members and faith leaders.

June 3rd London School of Economics, No Ticket Required, Free Admitance.

Climate Change Action

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At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you send out a link for the video of Al Gores Talk on which An Inconvenient Truth is base?

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Calvin Jones said...

sure, the video can be found by searching the blog for VideoA or al gore but i will post it again.

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the link just for the preview featured on or is it the actual full speech

At 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole speech


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