Monday, May 29, 2006

Video of the Week:Carbon Capture and Storage Webcast

I have been interested in carbon capture and storage (CCS) for a significant period of time. Initially i wrote a Feature Aricle on the topic as a result of reading reports on the subject by several key UK thinktanks, and watching a live webcast from montreal. Later i wrote a review of the IGES report on asian perspectives on climate change and this very nearly prompted another article on the topic but i dont have the time!

I do have time, however, to point out this webcast that took place in Bonn (Germany) a few days ago. I also have time to point out that CCS is not an environmentalists dream but it is a practical necessity. Peak oil and concerns of fuel price and supply security are all pushing towards greater usage of coal. Unfortunately coal emmits 70% more co2 per unit energy than natural gas.

This link comes via the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), there newsletter is highly reccomended. You can sign up on theire energy and climate homepage.

Download the presentations (via WBCSD):
Edwin Aalders, IETA - Position paper on Carbon Caputre and Storage Frede Cappelen, Statoil - From science knowledge and industry expertise to regulation of CCS
Wolfgang Heidug, Shell - Risk Management for CCS and CO2 Policy
Robin Irons E.ON UK - Low-carbon future options for coal
Bill Koppe, Anglo Coal - Early CCS Deployment Opportunities for Coal
Stale Selmer-Olsen, DNV - Risk Management, Monitoring and Verification in CCS

postscript; Climate Change, VideoA, ScienceA


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