Contraction and Convergence, Mikhail Gorbachev and Climate Policy.
So the 8th of June goes down as the most interesting day since I`ve been down here in London.
Not quite as exciting as the 3rd, when I was at the centre of a storm of activity but far more random.
I had asked Aubrey Meyer if he needed any help at GCI but there isn't any funding for this at the moment. He did however invite me to a fascinating meeting at Parliment; a strategy meeting for discussing the future of Contraction and Convergence, both in Parliment and on the international stage. After this meeting Colin Challen invited us all along to watch Mikhail Gorbachev talking about renewable energy, climate change and water shortages.
This was a relatively small meeting with 9 people present: Myself; Colin Challen MP, chair of the All Party Climate Change Group; Aubrey Meyer, Founder GCI; Dr Andrew Dlugolecki, Visiting Research Fellow at UEA; Sean Egan, Director of b-live entertainment; Dr Julian E Salt, director of Climate solutions; Michael Hutchinson and Peter Clarke of Tangent Films; and either Adam or Terry (I`m a business card short so cant say with confidence which).
The rough agenda of the meeting was as follows:
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Not quite as exciting as the 3rd, when I was at the centre of a storm of activity but far more random.
I had asked Aubrey Meyer if he needed any help at GCI but there isn't any funding for this at the moment. He did however invite me to a fascinating meeting at Parliment; a strategy meeting for discussing the future of Contraction and Convergence, both in Parliment and on the international stage. After this meeting Colin Challen invited us all along to watch Mikhail Gorbachev talking about renewable energy, climate change and water shortages.
This was a relatively small meeting with 9 people present: Myself; Colin Challen MP, chair of the All Party Climate Change Group; Aubrey Meyer, Founder GCI; Dr Andrew Dlugolecki, Visiting Research Fellow at UEA; Sean Egan, Director of b-live entertainment; Dr Julian E Salt, director of Climate solutions; Michael Hutchinson and Peter Clarke of Tangent Films; and either Adam or Terry (I`m a business card short so cant say with confidence which).
The rough agenda of the meeting was as follows:
- Planned Second Reading of C&C Bill and external launch.
- Update and pre-Launch of Kite Mark and Pledge.
- Details of how the kite mark and c&c-pledge for launch later in the year.
- Details of C&C documentary.
- brief on post-Bonn/SBSTA progress in Kenya (or lack thereof).
- C&C as Africas Voice + Concert.
- Calvin Jones CaCC (ok that's me)
"If the debate about the politics of future activity is governed by a concentration target one kind of debate emerges...That hasn't yet happened, what is happening is a whole complicated debate where no concentration target has been adopted, no concentration target has been posited, the positing of it is not foreseen either. This is good intel that comes from someone who is one to one with Tony Blair-- it's exactly this point-- with a concentration target we've got a thing, without a concentration target we got nothing go get me that concentration target"
Aubrey Meyer
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