Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Support for Contraction and Convergence and Sanctions on Rogue States: By the UK Foresight Directorate

A report that has been going around a while here in the UK was just brought to my attention again, it covers some pretty interesting ideas.

This report is the result of work by the Orwellianly named 'Foresight Directorate' that exists to look ahead with long term vision--the opposite of what we are taught politicians do.

But before we get to excited it's worth remembering this is basically a think tank, the ideas are not gaurenteed to go anywhere. Here is a look at how the future looks if theire research is implemented.

"Regions and local authorities have followed the lead of theirgovernments and run local initiatives to reduce travel demand; and veryfew governments have opted out of the international Contraction and Convergence Agreement to reduce global emissions. Political and economicsanctions are imposed through the United Nations on rogue states thatdon’t comply.”

The fairly complete disclaimer is here:

"The views are not the official point of view of anyorganisation or individual, are independent of Government and do not constitute government policy."
I like the part about rogue states having economic sanctions levied, this is an idea that i had a while back and i believe the green party also supports the concept.

The way i see it is that countries bound by a carbon limit are accruing environmental/social benefits for the whole planet. These benefits will cost the involved countries a portion of their income, it is theifore fair that any imports from outwith this carbon constrained group of countries should have to pay this same price of carbon as an import tarrif, otherwise environmentally damaging policies in non-engaged countries are being encouraged by economic distortions. Why aren't we doing this in 2006? it's not something that requires a technical breakthrough!


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