Wednesday, October 11, 2006

E-Action of the Week

Hello all, this weeks E-action

First, an urgent action alert before the Kyoto talks in Nairobi. Please go to Climate Ark and take part in a joint biofuelwatch/climate ark action - it will only take you a couple of minutes.

As hundreds of peat and forest fires are burning across Borneo and Sumatra, we can expect over a billion tons of carbon to go up in smoke in just a few months.

This is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and it has been ignored by the international community, and by many NGOs. Time is running out for Indonesia's forests and peat, and they contain nearly as much carbon as the Amazon rainforest.

If you could copy this into an email and forward it to other that would be great.

Second, you might also want to write to one of our power companies contemplating the use of palm oil as biomass under the Renewables Obligation.

There is a quick and simple action alert up at, re NPower.

Thanks to everyone for your help, and thanks to Glenn Barry of Climate Ark for partnering with biofuels watch on this vital topic.


Climate Change Action

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