Wednesday, December 06, 2006

REDD -- REDucing emissions from Deforestation

I recieved the following email in the daily round of notices form the IISD's Climate-L mailing list. If you are interested in climate policy you should probably tollerate the high traffic and subscribe, there is lots of interesting info available.

Dear climate-l readers,

we would like to make you aware of an
article discussing recent developments regarding the issue of reducing emission
from deforestation (REDD). The publication also provides estimates for the
potential market value of an international mitigation scheme and for potential
incomes of individual countries.

The article - entitled “Nairobi talks made progress on forest conservation for global warming emissions credits - is available at on here.

The research paper analyses key implications of different international policy approaches for the environmental effectiveness of an agreement on REDD, as well as for its economic and political attractiveness to different stakeholders. It also addresses potential co-benefits of carbon trading solutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, suggests ways to maximise synergies, and considers solutions to several unresolved negotiation issues.

Comments are highly welcome!

Johannes Ebeling Consultant EcoSecurities Direct +44 (0)1865 264 010 Mobile +44 (0)770 799 2110 Tel +44 (0)1865 202 635 Email

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