Saturday, December 09, 2006

Website of the Week: Development and Adaptation Days

This weeks website of the week is the Development and Adaptation days section of the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED) website.

The IIED is based in London and do a great deal of important work focused on "Mainstreaming Adaptation". Clearly a fair degree of climate change is already locked in and whilst we may not be justified in assuming complete failure by nation states in curbing there emissions it is abudently clear that there has been a period of political domancy that is going to hit the poorest hard. Adaptation stratagies are therefore a very real requirement for the comming century, nowhere more so than on the marginal grazing lands of Africa's Sahel.

Infact, as mentioned previously the possibility for conflict driven by climate change is only to real. Jeffrey Sachs has interesting things to say about Dar Fur on this account.

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