Friday, February 23, 2007

Resistance to TXU coal power expansion continues, and win's first battle.

Plans to fast track the expansion of coal in Texas have come dramatically unstuck. A state judge has just ruled that the timetable will return to the standard time frame, in effect gifting campaigners 6 valuable months to build there message. As coal power is expected to expand across the US in coming years, failure for the utility TXU to have the plants built could be hugely significant.

The rain forest action network continue there creative activism. Click on the coal label bellow to see previous posts. Targeting the financial institutions behind the coal giants projects is a great idea. Here's wishing them all good luck from the UK.

Stand up coal comedy.

Billionaires for coal thank Merrill Lynch for helping to finance there coal.

So what did Governor Perry do that the court felt in necessary to rule against?

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At 4:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
TXU Coal Power Customers for sale at $18,750 for each baaaing sheeple head.

TXU has 2.4 million customers forced to buy power from them alone.
That's all it's got plus some aging coal plants. Oh yeah, it also has
$12,300,000,000 of debt too. Some gang is willing to pay
$45,000,000,000 to buy that mess and the only profit can come from the
sheeple with the electric noose around their necks.

Do the math and explain how each customer has to pay out of their
pockets $18,750 so that their new owners just break even on the
purchase price of themselves. (Oh yeah, there's still that $12.3
billion debt the sheeple have to pay, plus interest too.) Did somebody
say PV was going down in price?
"TXU also has about $12.3 billion in debt that likely would be assumed
by a buyer."
$45 Billion Bid for a Texas Utility in Biggest Buyout Ever
Published: February 24, 2007


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