Review: The Great Warming -- A Christian Perspective
Climate change, a christian perspective, an argument for action on climate change based on our common humanity. The Great Warming is a facinating fresh perspective on the problem of climate change.
We don't have the flash graphics and the head on approach of An Inconvenient Truth; we have a very nicely put together documentary about the impacts of climate change, focusing on human health, agriculture and personal stories.
This angle, along with the neutral term Great Warming, does well to move past the negative association that many US christians have with environmentalism. It seems obvious to many that climate change is a moral issue, perhaps to obvious for the comfort of those of us involved in this issue within a secular society. The involvement of the chirstian community therefore makes perfect sense, but how to get this 'creation protection' started? The great warming is a superb start, it's suitability for church groups and it's solutions based approach are most wellcome!
If you wan't to make the case for conservation, for low impact living, in your community and the thought of somone as strongly associated with the Democrats as Al Gore dosent seem appealing then The Great Warming could be for you!
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We don't have the flash graphics and the head on approach of An Inconvenient Truth; we have a very nicely put together documentary about the impacts of climate change, focusing on human health, agriculture and personal stories.
This angle, along with the neutral term Great Warming, does well to move past the negative association that many US christians have with environmentalism. It seems obvious to many that climate change is a moral issue, perhaps to obvious for the comfort of those of us involved in this issue within a secular society. The involvement of the chirstian community therefore makes perfect sense, but how to get this 'creation protection' started? The great warming is a superb start, it's suitability for church groups and it's solutions based approach are most wellcome!
"In a couple of hundred years people will look back at us as we look back at the Bronze Age and the Stone Age, and we’ll be called the Fossil Fuel Age.”
"We are living at the dawn of a new age – an era of changing climate, erratic weather, and social calamities that could change our way of life forever."
If you wan't to make the case for conservation, for low impact living, in your community and the thought of somone as strongly associated with the Democrats as Al Gore dosent seem appealing then The Great Warming could be for you!
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Labels: creation care, poverty and development, reviews, USA
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Even though I'm involved as an activist on several levels and see a lot of great work, I think the religious community is going to save our butts...
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