Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Help with a response to the UK Climate Change Bill Consultation

I am currently filling in my response to the Draft Climate Change Bill 2007 (UK).

I would be interested in collaborating with anyone else who is already doing this or who would be willing to offer advice if to time constrained to take on this themselves. The bill is fairly complex and another head working on this would be great.

If you are interested in helping with responding to this my email is calvin dot jones at gmail dot com

The main gaping holes that I have found so far are:

1. An inadequate target + language that may inhibit this being updated.
2. Excluding aviation and shipping; this is probably this single greatest mistake.
3. Having 5 year budgetary periods that are not legally binding rather than legally binding annual targets.
4. Excluding non-co2 GHG's.
5. Including the possibility of purchasing credits from abroad.

If you are interested in helping with responding to this my email is calvin dot jones at gmail dot com

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At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Calvin,

have you seen Aubrey Meyer's appeal for responses to the Defra consultation: http://portal.campaigncc.org/node/1862 ?

Almuth Ernsting


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