Thursday, May 10, 2007

Passing on the latest James Hansen news...

Jim gave a presentation in a court case that vermont are involved with:

Presentation used last week as a witness for Vermont in its case vs auto makers is available as 4.8 MB pdf here. Alternatively the ppt is available ppr here.

As a more scientific and referenced version of these pieces, the written decleration is available:

My written declaration, with 48 charts, including ~ one paragraph discussing each chart, is probably a clearer scientific summary than my talks. So in response to requests from the public I now provide this declaration (although there are a few updated charts in the above) rather than the “annotated charts” from a solar energy conference presentation. The written declaration.

Jim was also impressed by the work of Vermont's legal team:

It was quite an experience to see the way the team presenting the Vermont case worked (David Bookbinder, Matt Pawa, et al.) – very impressive in their dedication and skills. My guess/hope is that they will win this case, but a ruling is not expected before late summer.


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At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Calvin,

I've been having a look through your blog and the content you've got on there is just fantastic. I've added a link to your site at as I think the things you're writing about would be of real interest to our users.

I wondered if you could have a look at our new carbon cutting site ( and, if you like it, maybe mention it within your blog?

The Big Green Switch is packed with simple, everyday tips and advice on energy saving, reducing and reusing waste, recycling, greener transport options and much more.

It’s our view that there are many people out there who would consider themselves "keen to be green" but either don't know where to start or worry that making a change to a greener lifestyle is likely to involve major inconvenience and expense.

We hope to encourage those people to make that first important step towards a greener lifestyle and to start saving energy and cutting their carbon emissions. Our message is that it's better to do a few small, simple things than to do nothing at all.

As well as the ideas on the site, there are lots of opportunities for those already living a greener lifestyle to inspire and help others to make their own move to green by adding their own advice and suggestions, starting a green blog or helping to answer green-related questions about topics such as saving energy, recycling and more on the site's message boards. If this sounds like it might be for you, we’d love to have you on-board!

Thanks so much for your time.

Kind regards,


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