Friday, September 07, 2007

Full Page Add In The New Yorker: No More Coal


Think You’re Making a Difference?
Think Again.

There are 151 new conventional coal-fired power plants
in various stages of development in the US today.

Home Depot is funding the planting of 300,000 trees in cities across the US to help absorb carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions... The CO2 emissions from only one medium-sized (500 MW) coal-fired power plant,
in just 10 days of operation, will negate this entire effort.

Wal-Mart is investing a half billion dollars to reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of their
existing buildings by 20% over the next seven years. If every Wal-Mart Supercenter met this target…
The CO2 emissions from only one medium-sized coal-fired power plant, in just one month of
operation each year, would negate this entire effort.

California passed legislation to cut CO2 emissions in new cars by 25% and in SUVs by 18%, starting in 2009.
If every car and SUV sold in California in 2009 met this standard…
The CO2 emissions from only one medium-sized coal-fired power plant, in just eight months of
operation each year, would negate this entire effort.

If every household in the US changed a 60-watt incandescent light bulb to a compact fluorescent…
The CO2 emissions from just two medium-sized coal-fired power plants each year would negate this entire effort.

The Campus Climate Challenge calls for all college campuses in the US to reduce their CO2 emissions to zero.
If every college campus building in the US met this challenge…
The CO2 emissions from just four medium-sized coal-fired power plants each year would negate this entire effort.

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a cooperative effort by 11 Northeastern and
Mid-Atlantic states to reduce their CO2 emissions to 1990 levels by 2014...
The CO2 emissions from just 13 medium-sized coal-fired power plants each year will negate this entire effort.

Congress is considering many climate change bills this year to reduce US carbon dioxide emissions...
The CO2 emissions from any new coal-fired power plants work to negate these efforts.

Without coal, all the positive efforts underway can make a difference.

Over an 11-year period (1973–1983), the US built approx. 30 billion square feet of new
buildings, added approx. 35 million new vehicles and increased real GDP by one trillion
dollars while decreasing its energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
We don’t need coal, we have what we need: efficient design and proven technologies.

Today, buildings use 76% of all the energy produced at coal plants.

By implementing The 2030 Challenge* to reduce building energy use by a minimum of 50%,
we negate the need for new coal plants.

Make a Difference: Protect Your Efforts.
* Issued by:  2030, Inc./Architecture 2030 • The 2030 Research Center •

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At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Government Accountability Project (GAP)
Talk live with Rick Piltz about Censorship of Climate Science

Free Conference Call and Q&A

Wednesday, September 12th, 6:00 - 7:00 PM eastern

Featuring Rick Piltz, Director of Climate Science Watch and federal climate science whistleblower,
& Tarek Maasarani, GAP staff Attorney and co-author of Atmosphere of Pressure and Redacting the Science of Climate Change.

To register for this call, email Richard Kim-Solloway at
To listen to our previous calls, visit

In 2005, GAP helped Rick Piltz – formerly a senior staffer in the U.S Climate Change Science Program - blow the whistle on the White House’s improper editing and censorship of scientific reports on global warming intended for the public and Congress.

GAP helped Rick release two major reports to The New York Times that documented the actual hand-editing by Chief of Staff Philip Cooney – a lawyer and former climate team leader with the American Petroleum Institute – thereby launching a media frenzy that resulted in the resignation of the “former” lobbyist, who left to work for ExxonMobil.

With Piltz’ leadership GAP has launched Climate Science Watch, a GAP program that reaches out to scientists, helps them fight off censorship, and brings to light the continued politicization of environmental science. He is also featured in the award-winning documentary, Everything’s Cool.

GAP also represented Dr. James Hansen, one of the world’s top climate scientists, who blew the whistle on NASA’s attempts to silence him. Hansen’s disclosures led GAP Staff Attorney, Tarek Massarani, to conduct a year-long investigation that found objectionable and possibly illegal restrictions on the communication of scientific information to the media.

His findings, summarized in the report Redacting the Science of Climate Change, included examples of the delaying, monitoring, screening, and denying of interviews, as well as the delay, denial, and inappropriate editing of press releases.

GAP also released a joint Atmosphere of Pressure report with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) that combined GAP's investigative reporting and legal analysis with the results of a UCS survey of federal climate scientists. The reports received broad national attention and have already been presented in testimony at two congressional oversight hearings.


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