Tiempo Climate Newsletters #64 and #65
The latest two issues, #64 & 65, of Tiempo: I like to pick these up at they are released so sorry about that delay. The Tiempo newsletter focuses on adaptation and development in the global south. The publication is a joint project of IIED and SEI.
Issue 65 Contents:
Issue 64 Contents:
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Issue 65 Contents:
- National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA). (Mohazurul Alam)
- The Sudanese NAPA. (Sumaya Ahmed ZakiEldeen and Nagmeldin Goutbi Elhassan)
- NAPA priorities to policies. (Bubu Pateh Jallow and Thomas Downing)
- Leassons learned in Africa. (Balgis Osman-Elasha and Thomas Downing)
Issue 64 Contents:
- Flooding and the urban poor. (Ian Douglas et. al.,)
- Climate risk integration. (Bert Koenders)
- Adaptation targets. (Ian Tellam)
- Community Adaptation. (Roger Jones and Atiq Rahman)
- Roadmap for Adaptation (Gary Yohe)
Labels: adaptation, africa, asia, newsletter, poverty and development, southamerica
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