Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Climate Camp 2008: Heathrow Airport and Kingsnorth Coal Power Plan

Thanks to Jo Abbess for notification of the following, i really hope i can make this, in reality ther's not much that could stop me :-)

"The Climate Camp is back, and it's bigger and bolder than ever !

The news from the decision meeting in Nottingham this weekend is that
there will be a camp with twin targets this summer : aviation
expansion and new coal power.

There will be a residential stop in Sipson, where the proposed Third
Runway for Heathrow will erase the entire village if it gets the
go-ahead, followed by a trek to Kingsnorth Coal Power Station in Kent.

This is going to be a massive logisical enterprise, and people will
probably need to come to London ahead of the camp, which runs from 4th
to 11th August 2008
. People will need to stay somewhere secure before
taking part in workshops and demonstrations.

Any of you who live within reach of London Transport stations and
stops and who have a yard of spare grass, please offer to host tents
and a little water for people coming to the camp from around the world


Make London one massive garden hotel !"


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