Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Coal: It's Just Not the Done Thing

Lester Brown (Plan B; 1.0. 2.0, 3.0) has an interesting article doing the rounds in the green blogosphere in which he outlines the tough year that coal has had in the US. The same will be true if it tries some kind of resurgence here in the UK. I`m certainly going to do what i can in resisting such an appauling idea. The progress made so far in the US, if it holds, could set a major precident for coal in the developed world; and moves the whole world towards a situations where coal without ccs comes to be seen in the right manner, namely hugely irresponsible, and just not something that is the done thing. We will have to set this example and help provide alternatives in the growing Asian giants are to avoid this environmentally costly and dangerously polluting form of power.

More on coal:


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