Thursday, September 25, 2008

Climate Rush disrupts Energy Minister at Labour Party Conference

Cross posted from Plane Stupid.

On Saturday night, at one of the opening debates of the Labour Party Conference, Malcolm Wicks MP (Energy Minister) found his New Labour Spin was challenged by seven modern day suffragettes. One hundred years ago 'Women's Lib!' rang out in political meetings such as these. Today the cry was 'Climate Action!'

In one of the first talks of the conference Malcolm Wicks placed climate change as his number one energy priority before reassuring the audience that the construction of eight new coal-fired power stations was his number one solution. He congratulated himself for the UK's leadership in the energy and climate debate - "we will lead the world in clean coal technology." Clean coal. Clean coal. CLEAN COAL. Does it seem believable to you?

Only one of the eight new coal-fired power stations will be fitted with carbon capture and storage. The carbon capture and storage technology will only affect 2% of One of the Eight new station's carbon output. The brave new world that Wicks pledges to lead, is a world where two percent of one of eight is enough. A world where climate change is not a problem. A world where Coal is Clean where War is Peace where Freedom is Slavery where Ignorance is Strength.

Seven young women disrupted his 'Energy Question Time' in Manchester yesterday because their futures are in question. They demanded answers and were met by an aging politician shrugging their future from his political agenda - shrugging off responsibility.

Our lives are full of neglected responsibility. But when we make the wrong choice the stakes are not so high. If the UK builds Kingsnorth and seven more coal stations in its wake then the UK has decided not to fight climate change.

Malcolm Wicks hold our future in his hands and dares to speak about leadership. He shows no leadership. Instead he demonstrates the neglectful cowardice of privilege. A neglect that makes me cheer China for every coal-fired power station they build. Each one bringing them nearer to our great example.

Wicks tosses aside his responsibility and chooses a quick-fix and no vision. The Climate Rush begs England and the leaders we have chosen to get real about climate change. Disrupt meetings where politicians lie. Make the government be honest about climate change. Take responsibility. Come out and have fun.

And we know how to have fun... This weekend the Suffragettes also went on the Freewheel ride. We joined thousands of Londoners in the car-free centre of town. It was Beautiful - joyous and exciting and so easy. The ride from the Mall to Tower Bridge was less than fifteen minutes. It's around 20 by car... With long skirts and starched shirts we rode all over town - our red banner catching in the wind:


The Climate Rush takes place on the 13th October 2008 in Parliament Square - the 100th anniversary of the Suffragette's 'rushing' of Parliament. For more information check out

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Climate Change Action

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