Monday, November 10, 2008

EON (EOA.DE) Plans New Coal In UK: We Plan To Stop Them

EON is going around trying to recruit students with the message:

"tackling climate change isnt something tacked onto our agenda it's at the heart of our business"

They are being met by a concerted campaign (Imperial College--video, Kings College, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Nottingham, and others have had careers fairs crashed)

I recently wrote about what eon are up against on 'itsgettinghotinhere'.

Now there is a shiny new website dedicated to the struggle. E-ON F-OFF.

It is also note worthy that the police have started putting out scare stories about the potential for a lone 'eco-extremist' to carry out some kind of terrotist attack. Needless to say this is worrying, such marginalisation and de-legitimization may be used to open a gap for even more ruthless policing than what we saw at the climate camp. But the breadth of support we enjoy makes such attempts extremely difficult to pull off. The times they are a chaning, and nothing, not even political policing can alter that fact.

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At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With regards the scare story, conveniently published on Day 2 of a Climate Camp gathering: what makes you think this won't work? I'm a long-time Climate Camper, and my reaction to this is simply that we're about to be completely trampled.

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Calvin Jones said...

The response by Bibi Van De Veer in the Guardian the next day. The similarities between our message and that of greenpeace (which won a court case on criminal damage) and the coallition of 60NGO's also pushing our message. We are not out on a limb. There is a lot of support for our actions.


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