Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Greenpeace Shut Down EON Coal Plant Construction in the Netherlands

Supported by the Rainbow Warrior, a hundred of our volunteer activists occupied the construction site of the new E.ON coal fired power plant in Rotterdam. They halted construction for 10 hours before they were all arrested by police. Special police cut their chains and neck locks and removed everyone from the site by the end of the day.

Later there where 100 arrests and the Rainbow Warrior was ceased.

One-hundred activists were taken away, scattered in police holding cells all over Rotterdam. Removed from a peaceful protest - a climate defenders camp - on the building site of the new Eon power station in Rotterdam. The night came; Rainbow Warrior and Beluga2 settled into it, at anchor. My telephone rang, it was the police. It rang again, the police were ordering me to come inside harbour. I was in a difficult position as I wanted to comply but had to refuse for two reasons: 1) it was now dark and dangerous to navigate, and 2) we were all very tired - following a long day of activity. It was safest to remain at anchor, the weather was good. The police threatened to ‘storm the vessel’ and the phone stopped ringing. It was quiet for an hour.

Two objects moved in the Maas Mond. I watched their trails indicate they had turned - they were headed our way. Two large police boats were approaching and Rainbow Warrior became lit up in the beam of a search light. I counted silhouettes behind the wheel-house windows as they passed down our side. Shouting. Someone was shouting from the police deck to remove the inflatables from the side of the Rainbow Warrior “or we will be forced to crush them” the voice screamed out. More shouting, “move it, move it”. A time limit was imposed. The shouter came on board, red in the face with rage. He brought eight heavily armed me with him.

More details on the story here.

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