Wednesday, February 18, 2009

March on E.ON: Thursday 19th of March

WDM, Christian Aid and others from Stop Climate Chaos are going to EON's Headquaters.

On Thursday 19 March, WDM will be joining forces with other organisations, Christian Aid, Cafod and Stop Climate Chaos, for a Day of Action on E.ON in Coventry where their headquarters are based. This will send the message to the government, the EU and E.ON that we don’t want new coal.

The day will consist of three parts: a service in Coventry Cathedral; a parade around Coventry city centre; and a campaign moment at E.ON Headquarters. E.ON is targeted because it plans to build a new coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth, Kent. Coal is the single biggest source of Climate Change.

For more details contact Katherine: katharine AT wdm DOT org DOT uk
I dont expect it will be as much fun as the climate camp action, but i`m sure it will get some press attention, and Eon will hate it!

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