Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stopping Coal Power in The UK : How's it going?

An update on coal power in the UK:
  1. Coal power without ccs would have been ruled out if Labour rebels, Lib Dems and Torries had sucesfully passed an emissions performance standard. The EPS fell six votes short.
  2. Hunterston energy plant is planed to have some CCS Ayrshire Power, owned by Peel Energy Ltd. Planning permission is likely to be submitted to the scottish govornment shortly. This 1600MW power plant is likely to have 300MW of CCS. Some don't believe that a 80% dirty power plant is clean enough.
  3. EON (Kingsnorth) and Scottish Power (Longgannet) won a joint award for basic CCS preperation and study. One will win funding.
  4. E.ON is looking for companies to carry out environmental assesment of a project to pipe co2 across Kent and into the north sea.
  5. The infrastructure clearance work has begun at Huntington Lane Opencast Mine site in Telford, acres of mature, and immature trees have already been felled ready for constructing the haul road to link the two sites together.
  6. E.ONs' Kigsnorth plant was put off for at least 3 years earlier in the year.

The most important piece of news is that the EPS failed and that plans for largely unimitigated coal plants, most immediately Hunterston, are now to be introduced into the planning system.

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