Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another energy bill? The battle is under way.

It seems like only yesterday that the 2011 energy act was established. Well, it wasn't long ago was it. But they are at it again!

New government new energy policy. The Department of Energy and Climate Change have an overview of the work done so far on a new energy bill, it's all being 'worked up' at the moment and thus parliament isnt yet involved although the same cant be said about politics.

The BBC are already reporting on a battle between DECC and their advisers at the Committee on Climate Change and the Treasury. 38 Degrees has already got a campaign going to prevent what they are calling a 'second dash for gas'. The Carbon Brief has done some good work looking into exactly what is going on at DECC in terms of policy on gas power policy.

The Primary Documents:
Some Summaries for those short on time:
Further Background:

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