Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Outline of: From here to there...elucidating the challenge of GHG emission reduction

Here is an outline for my upcoming report on emmission levels, trends and insights.
This report build on the conclusions made in 'Climate change: Facts and Impacts".

Any comments on this?

Suggestions for reports to feed into this still welcome. List of reports currently being used available here.

1. The Carbon Cycle
> An overview in qauntitative terms.
> A caviet regarding abrupt climate change and positive fedbacks.

2. An Overview of Greenhouse gas sources.
>Current emmissions levels per sector and per region.
>Trends, total, per region, per sector.

3. Land Use Change/Agriculture
>Peat Buring

4. Fossil Fuel Burning
>Transport Growth
>Growth of Coal

5. Industrial Processes

6. Key Dynamics
>Developed vs Developing Nations.
>Difficult Challenges in long term.
>Futher insights.

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At 5:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a problem: "fossil fuels" does not exist!


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