Monday, February 19, 2007

Ban Illegal Timber: Preserve the climate and the planets biodiversity.

International — If you buy or sell pirate DVDs you would be breaking the law. You could face a fine or even get jail time. But when companies in Europe buy or sell illegal timber from the last of the world's ancient forests they won't even have the timber confiscated.

So even though you can't watch a pirate copy of the latest Stephen King horror movie, the real horror is happening all around you as mountains of illegal and destructively logged timber flood onto the world's timber market.

That's because there are no laws to stop illegal timber or timber products from ending up in your local stores or home.

Everything from paper products to furniture or plywood could be made from illegal and destructively logged timber. When you purchase these products it could result in the loss of habitat and death for many unique and endangered species as well as contributing to a chain of human rights violations in forests around the world.

Europe plays a key role in fuelling demand for timber products, as it is one of the world's largest users of timber. But Europe has no law to stop the flood of illegal and destructively logged timber entering the market.

We want to see that change.

"We want laws to ban illegal and destructively logged timber from being sold in Europe and so do more than 160 other environmental, labour, and human rights organisations. 80 companies have also asked for legislation to outlaw illegal
timber. You too have the right to say that things must change."
How to help - it's painless!

The European Commission is asking what the public, timber industry and politicians think about the best way to stop the flood of illegal and destructive timber that pours into Europe each day. So we've made it nice and easy for you to tell them, 'Ban illegal timber'.

Simply go to the Greenpeace website and add your name and country of origin to the objection letter.

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