Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Fossil Fools called out in events across the uk.

I posted the text of a flyer that i helped to write a couple of days back targeting E-ON's sponsorship of the FA CUP. Now that event has been and went, and many others where organised for the same time, fossil fools day.
Events in London included:
  1. The aforementioned event at FA headqauters drawing attention to the sponsorship of our national game by coal power promoter E-ON...not a very healthy choice of sponsor. This was an action by London Rising Tide.

  2. The construction of a model coal plant complete with 12ft cooling towers at the Houses of Parliament.

  3. A faux-appology by Porche for persuing a lawsuit against Ken Livingston for the congestion charge.

The scene from FA headqauters:

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