Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Is CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) a useful technology?

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a technology that when developed would allow the climate changing emissions from large fossil fuel power plants to be prevented from entering the atmosphere and instead pumped underground into some kind of geological formation.

CCS is controvercial for some technical and some broader reasons. In terms of technology, it is yet to be applied at large scale, as it is also a new technology we have very little information about how securely the co2 would be stored. To complicate things, CCS is being strongly promoted by the fossil fuel industry and scientists have generally been in favour of the technology which, if narrowly viewed seems to be a very positive technology.

There has been a lot written about ccs, most notably by MIT, the IPCC and also, the Wuppertal Institute. The Wuppertal Institute report strikes a far more cautious note than the IPCC or MIT and is well worth a read by CCS enthusiasts (could it dampen that enthusiasm?) and critiques (do you need to improve your argument?).

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At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m always pleased to see blogs like yours because they share my point of view. If you’d like, you can check out
http://www.alternative-energy-secrets.com. I often go there for I have the same sentiments when it comes to cO2 emissions and how to save up money using alternative methods.

I'll better check on your archived posts...


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