Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coal Update

In the last few days my news filters have picked up the following about coal in the UK...

  1. An old article (why?) with an interesting statement from Paul Golby about the fact that basically the govornment have to look after his customers because that isnt his responsibility.
  2. Julian Cope on a discussion that covored clean coal at Leeds civic hall.
  3. A new website for your have a piece about climate change and energy.
  4. EON came second in Greenpeace's 'emerald paintbrush' award for greenwashing.
  5. EON staff are protesting about foreign workers being brought in to take 'british jobs'.
  6. The coal gasification plat being built in Hatfield may get 250M euros of funding from the EU to convert to CCS.
  7. EON sacks 19 of its 100 PR staff.

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