Friday, May 30, 2008

Carbon Capture and Storage: A blogosphere revew.

So what is the general mood out there about carbon capture and storage (ccs) at the moment?

Starting off we Treehugger we have a neutral article on planned ccs test projects by Vattenfall the swedish state owned energy company. De Smog blog is doing what it does best and cronicling the attempts of coal companies to sell ccs as there latest product but this article demonstrates a positive spin from the coal companies nothing more, and some notes of cautious support for the technology from Jeff Scachs of Columbia University. The article also linked to a post which highlights some of George Monbiot's latest work--and not i dont mean attempting to arrest John Bolton for war crimes. Celsias has an extensive and rather negative collection of peices on the technology; the line from Celsias is that this is all a well financed distraction and i`ve got that feeling in my stomach telling me that there may be some truth to that. IPS notes that green groups are devided over the technology, in perticular WWF australia are calling for more funds and more urgency whereas Greenpeace dont want to see any public funds given over to an already proffitable industrial complex of coal producers and consumers. That seems like an honest area for argument; if we persue this what should the incentives be? Treehugger mentions that although current ccs technology uses MEA as the carbon sequestering agent, an active carbon alternative may drop the costs significantly--perhaps from 45 to 30 dollars a tonne of co2. Celsias highlights a major report by greenpeace on ccs that has made waves, as does De Smog Blog. The Independent notes that Shell is supporting the £80 final stage of a canadian CCS experemental plant. The overwhelmingly positive article also has some notes about Nicholas Sterns position and the current EU commitments to the issue. De Smog Blog argues --using the coal industries own language--that ccs aint going to be here soon so we need to get over it. According to Carbonara the UK govornment is asking for applications to build a ccs plant in the UK. Greenormal finds a recent stunt connecting ccs and carbonated water ammusing, this was a very nicely done project, even if i think a tad of target. Treehugger also follows the story. De Smog Blog has what on the face of it is a devestating analysis of ccs from the perspective of timescale, this may be the killer issue. Carbon planet has an interesting post on a us economic analysis of the lieberman warner bill; this includes ccs references and the wider implications of the technology.Terence Berg on DeSmog Blog calls CCS an enduring myth. China Dialogue takes Europe to task for failing to guarentee ccs funding. Saudi Arabia and Norway are working together on ccs, in perticular to get it into the CDM...this is the sort of thing that puts people off ccs and makes others see how politically significant it is. FutureGen in the US was scrapped due to rising prices and then reassembled in a new and, well, different, form. Monbiot writes in China Dialogue about the new coal age in the UK. A broad look at the issues for developing nations in asia is taken in this treehuger post--very interesting to. Stern in China Dialogue on how this is funded. Treehugger on the costs that we all forgot. David Roberts on grist calls CCS a costly alternative to renewables not a transition to them. Treehugger on why ccs wont save us. The guardian takes a closer look.

So the blogosphere seems to be broadly against the technology with some exceptions. This is quite a contrast so some major influential economic and scientific publications. But there is atleast a strong critique of the concept that will make a good starting point for a report; can all the concerns be addressed? If not then things get very interesting, and a hell of a lot simpler!

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Structurally Maladjusted

It's the song of the World Trade Organisation - "Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me". Be of good cheer.


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A little technical difficulty

A "Stern-like" report into loss of biodiversity (death on an unprecedented scale) is released, bringing the Ka-Ching factor into play to focus the minds of the world's policy makers. Meanwhile, as even the US feels the sting, the WORLD BANK decides to plump for more of the same mono-cultured, debt-ridden, dead-end cash-croppery that got us into the mess in the first place.
Will the media identify the villains correctly this time, or simply play out the same tired stereotypes we all know and love so as not to scare off the sponsors?


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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Coal In Asia

Hi All, my blog seems to have turned into a cartoon strip, a humorous and relavent cartoon strip, but I thoght i`d post a quick update and let you all know i`m actually working on something. So here are my notes.

When I first heard of carbon capture and storage I was imediately enthusiastic. That enthusiasm was due to my concern about climate change and the appearence of what appeared to be not only a solutin but a solution that could move the coal industry from vicious and powerful enemy to saviour of the climate.

In contrast, many where horrified. They are quite happy with the coal power industry as an enemy, and they want to destroy it. There are several reasons for this including the impacts that coal has on local communities where it is mined. Indeed a recent article on treehugger found that coal power takes up more land than solar over a 25 year period due to the extensive nature of open cast mines.

So we have two very different perspectives, and some people just plain conflicted, on CCS, can they be reconciled, and if not then just what are our options in stopping the roll out of old coal?

I am helping to put together a report to answer these questions, the plan is not settled but will probably look atleast a bit like this.

At the moment i`m sifting related articles for insperation, and looking for reports as a start to the serious reading. Some of these reports are already known to me from previous posts.

I`m also reaching out to green sites to check that this major undertaking is going to have an online audiance. Kevin Granadia for DeSmog blog has just started a new coal website which he has offered a space on once we are done, i contribute from time to time on itsgetting hot in here, i`m going to meet with Chinadialogue about a possible partnership, celsias, treehugger and grist are the obvious green outlets.

Greenpeace has labbeled CCS 'false hope', and many have asked if this isn't just a huge scam, and some are not just critical but down right dismissive. On the other side MIT, the IPCC, Nicholas Stern, the Interacademy Council of Science, and many others have written boradly positive things. However i`m starting to think that even on a technical level there might be better options, reasons for that explained another time.

  • IPCC special report on CCS
  • MIT on CCS
  • Greenpeace on CCS as False Hope
  • Stern Review
  • Interacademy Council of Science: Our Enery Future
Exporting our emissions to china:

Energy and Emissions Data:

This report has been reborn in a way from a report i stated to write in late 2006. I found the following reports, of which i will now need the latest versions.

  • IEA "World Energy Outlook 2004"
  • BP "Energy Review 2006"
  • IEA "Key World Energy Stats 2006"
  • WRI "Climate Data: A Sectoral Perspective"
  • WBCSD "Pathways to 2050"

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shine a light...

As we all know we live in world where the INCENTIVES that the wealthy so richly deserve are much more important and generally wonderful than the SUBSIDIES that the poor so cynically abuse. Mobile International capital is the only force on Earth worth paying any attention to. So stop your snivelling and build yourself a spaceship ya whining hippy scum.

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More bogus techno magic

If it aint broke, break it - and then fix it, to show just how clever you are.
If you'll excuse me I'll just go over there and bang my head against that wall until it's a bloody shredded mess. Not to worry - because reconstructive surgery can do wonders nowadays

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dear Prudence

Gordon (sort of) comes clean about what we've all known about for years. But he's not ready to risk frightening the horses yet. But at least the conversation can begin...

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More last drops of ancient sunlight...

No matter how deep the hole we're in, you can always find willing shovellers. The road lobby is pressuring New Labour for an abandonment of any and all things green. With a perspective that only stretches as far as the next election they may well capitulate. Funny how industries without electoral clout are allowed to go to the wall of "economic conditions" but Middle England can be as unsustainable as it likes as long as it keeps the balance of power.

Meanwhile, now that the ice is clearing, Governments and MultiNationals are free to squabble over who should drill the shit out of the Arctic seabed and push us all that bit closer to the edge.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bear necessities

I could only resist this joke for so long. I am but flesh and bone.
The recent hoo-ha concerning the tragic listing of the Polar-Bear as officiially endangered failed to emphasise the deliberate delay to this process whilst oil exploration and drilling rights for its habitat were auctioned off by the same U.S. Government department. Just thought I'd remind people.


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step one...

As the G8 fudges setting GHG reduction targets and the UK prepares to cave in to the motoring lobby after protests from road hauliers and nervous marginal MPs, Drax covers its arse with a biomass figleaf and Barcelona is forced to import Water from France as the whole region dries up and cracks into lifeless chunks . Meanwhile Brazil's Environment minister gives up the thankless task of defending the rainforest from Big Business in fatigue and disgust.

The good news is that now NASAs Mars lander can thoroughly investigate the chances of life on a barren, airless rock, we can plan for Earth's future on the basis of solid scientific evidence.

On a more positive note - the Germans have finally identified and banned the pesticides decimating their (and everyone else's) bee-hives, Barrats have started building affordable (?) eco-homes and a summit of world leaders in Rome calls for the establishment of a world food fund to address the ever- growing food crisis that their policies have created.

It transpires that even the alarmists are now deeply alarmed. All hands on deck.

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Carbon reduction and health: London, Monday 30 June 2008

Just an update as part of my 'conference watch' initiative (just invented).

A significant conference for all medics with an interest in climate change is to be held on Monday 30th of June at Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 5-11 Theobald’s Road, London, WC1X 8SH

The conference entitled Carbon Reduction and Health is designed to answer three sets of questions:

  1. Heading for a Carbon Neutral NHS?
  2. Wanting to cut your hospital’s Carbon footprint?
  3. Tired of waste and pollution in the Health Service?

These questions will be aswered with a series of pesentations on:

  1. how to make your trust carbon neutral
  2. carbon friendly conferencing
  3. the green office
  4. the public health imperative

The days program:

  • 0845-0930 Registration and Coffee

MORNING SESSION: Planning it Chairman: Professor Alan Maryon Davis, President, Faculty of Public Health

  • 0930-0940 Introduction Dr Patricia Hamilton, President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  • 0940-1010 The public health imperative
    Dr Alan Maryon Davis, President, Faculty of Public Health
  • 1010-1040 The carbon footprint of the health sector Dr David Pencheon, NHS SD unit
  • 1040 Discussion
  • 1100-1120 Coffee & Press Conference
  • 1120-1150 Making the change – what support is available? Dr Tom Cumberledge,
    Carbon Trust
  • 1150-1230 How are we doing it: effecting change within organisations
    - a commercial organisation: how we engaged the workforce
    - an Acute Trust
    - A General Practice
    - A Royal College
  • 1230-1300 Discussion
  • 1300-1345 Lunch

AFTERNOON SESSION: Doing it Chairman: Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor, BMJ

  • 1345-1415 A new concept in conferencing Brian Murray, BT
  • 1410-1420 Speaking from a distance: perils of climate change
    Hugh Montgomery
  • 1420-1445 Offsetting: myth or reality? A debate Mayer Hillman, Policy Studies Institute & Julian Knight, Chairman of Coolaworld.
  • 1445-1600 Workshops (35 minutes each. Choice of 2)
    (a) How to measure a carbon footprint
    (b) The Green Office (including green energy)
    (c) Health Service Procurement
    (d) GPs
    (e) Media advocacy – how to influence
    (f) Conferencing BT
  • 1600-1615 Tea
  • 1615-1645 Panel on greening the NHS and closing remarks

For futher information or to book your ticket see the Royal Society for Pediatrics and Child Health events listing for 30th of June.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Help us stop the UK's first biofueld power plant.

On 4th June, Newham London Borough Council will debate a planning application made by Blue-NG Ltd for the UK’s first combined heat and power plant to be run on biofuels. This will be a large plant, burning 56,000 litres of vegetable oil a day. The final decision will be made shortly afterwards by the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation.

Blue NG are planning seven further plants to follow this one. Blue-NG Ltd. and 20C Ltd. have managed to deceive councillors and environmental groups alike by disguising the fuel source and they have failed to engage the local community in the consultation process.

This is of particular concern given the noxious emissions associated with burning pure plant oils such as rapeseed and palm oil, which are a threat to public health. In Germany the courts recently ruled against a CHP plant burning palm oil, forcing it to close for just this reason.

For more information about the Blue NG proposal, click here;

To take action, click here;

If you live in London, then please send an objection to the Planning Officers, expressing your concern. You can find a draft letter on the ‘take action’ link above. We are asking only people from London to send the letters since we are not sure whether lots of letters from elsewhere will help at this stage.

On Wednesday June 4th at 7pm Newham LBC has their final consultation.

If you are a member of an environmental group or a local person living in Newham and would like to give evidence at this meeting then please submit your concerns as described above and make a specific request to present evidence at the consultation meeting on the 4th. Otherwise as a concerned member of the public you can still attend the consultation meeting.

There are two protest events run jointly by Biofuelwatch and London Food not Fuel;

1). Saturday May 31st which includes two activities: There will be a stall outside Sainsbury's on Myrtle Road, East Ham from 10:30 to 6:30. We could do with help manning the stall, explaining and handing out flyers and getting signatures for a petition. This will be followed by a banner protest from 3:00 to 5:00pm at Newham Town Hall, East Ham on the Barking Road around the corner from Sainsburys.

2). Wednesday 4th June. The second event will be timed to coincide with councillors attending the final consultation meeting at Newham Town Hall on June 4th. The meeting is at 7:00pm so we will be protesting from 6:30pm, Newham Town Hall, High Street South entrance, East Ham.

At 7:00pm we will join other members of the public attending the meeting.

Please join us and help to STOP the UK’s first biofuel power plant!



Deepak Rughani 07931 636 337; Almuth Ernsting 01224 324 797
Food Not Fuel: Maryla 07793 319 141; Amanda Burton 07939 522 966
Clare 07761 111 1325

Thank you

Biofuelwatch and Food Not Fuel

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Friday, May 23, 2008

SDC aviation report becomes a thorn in the side of DfT

Yesterday I posted about a major new report by the SDC and IPPR. The report was not new in contesting government claims or calling for something other than a headlong rush towards aviation expansion; such reports have come and gone.

The new thing is the involvement of the governments own environmental watchdog that it setup to resolve disputed environmental issues and the Labour parties 'favourite thinktank' the IPPR who have had such high profile figures such as David Milliband pass through their offices.

These points haven't been missed by the BBC, Telegraph, Times, Independent or that's complete broadsheet coverage and the UK's main news source the BBC.

The pressure continues to build and Labour continue to look more and more obstinate and unconcerned at professional or public criticism.


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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Breaking the Holding Pattern--A new approach to aviation policy making in the UK

I`ve been busy putting together and Aviation themed day of workshops at the camp for climate action. More on that once it's finalised, at the moment all i can say is that it's on the 7th of August and if you are interested in aviation policy and campaigns with regards the UK you neeed to be there.

One report which has just been published and i hadn't yet heard of --ok it's been out a day!--is by the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) and the Sustainable Development Comission (SDC).

The report came about as the SDC performs a role of govornment advisor and needed a clearer view of the issues :

In 2007 and early 2008, to inform its advice to government, the Sustainable
Development Commission (SDC), with the Institute for Public Policy Research, ran
a stakeholder assessment on aviation. This unlocked a range of views, from
businesses, industry representatives, governments, academia, citizens’ groups
and NGOs. This report presents our observations from the assessment, followed by our recommendations for government.

The full publication and summary can be downloaded for free here.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Naomi Klien: Two Ways to Deal With Climate Change

On Monday 19th of May Naomi Klein launched the paperback version of The Shock Doctrine in the UK. Rather than a traditional book launch she opted to launch the book at a fundraiser for Hands Off Iraqi Oil.

A facinating talk was given with many topics covored ranging from why concervatives are happier than lefties and liberals to the importance of the concept of ecological debt, the leftward trends in south america and--in this clip--a discussion of the way in which corporations are adjusting to and drawing profits from the results of climate change.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Climate Camp Goes Viral

I couldn't find anywhere on the web that listed all 8 fabled climate camps that are being planned around the world this year. After a bit of searching i found links to seven of them. Events in the UK, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and three in the US.

All this started three years ago with the camp for climate action at Drax power station in the UK. It may be the start of a movement, it needs to be.

Check the labels out for more on the camp for climate action aka the climate camp.

[UPDATE: i have just found another camp in the US (Montana) which dosent make any reference to the UK actions but involves some groups that where involved in the first UK camp]

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Support the Climate Camp, Donations Needed

The Camp for Climate Action is a collective project without access to grants, and against the concept of corporate sponsorship. That means we get money from individuals who believe in the goals and the strategies employed.

This year the event is likely to cost £53'000 it is likely that we currently have initiatives ongoing that will riase about £40'000. The remaining £13'000 is where you come in!

Please send a cheque made payable to "Camp for Climate Action" to Cornerstone Resource Centre, 16 Sholebroke Avenue, Leeds, LS7 3HB.

Or set up a standing order/direct debit using the following details:

Account name: Camp for Climate Action
a/c: 65204281
s/c: 08-92-99

Any questions can be addressed to the finance group, finance[@]


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Monday, May 12, 2008

Latest Climate Action Sheet: Upcomming UK Events


1) CLIMATE CAMP NATIONAL GATHERING - LONDON, 10-11.5.08Greenpeace HQ, Canonbury Villas, London, N1 2PN. 10am-6pm.This summer the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents outsideKingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent for a week of education,sustainable living and direct action. Everyone is invited to the camp,which is now part of an international movement, with eight climate campson four continents planned for this summer. Together, we will show thatthe blind pursuit of economic growth at any cost is simply insane, and isto blame for the CO2 emissions and ecosystem destruction that are causingcatastrophic climate change. Come to the gathering and get involved!

2) SAVING ICELAND IN WALES AND SCOTLAND - 7th & 9th MAY 08Aluminium smelting, even when powered by geothermal energy, emits so muchgreenhouse gas emissions that Iceland now produces 18 tons of CO2equivalent per capita, compared to the European average of 11.May 7th at 8pm - Saving Iceland will give a presentation of these issuesat The Treehouse, Baker St. Aberystwyth, and will describe theinternational direct action campaign and plans for this summer's camp inJuly. (There will be a number of vehicles going from the UK to the camp.)Come and see some of the most stunning places of beauty on earth, and helpprotect them with direct action!May 9th - Vegan banquet with live music, bar and raffle! The Banquetstarts at 7pm at Old St Pauls Hall, Edinburgh. £5 (unwaged / low income)and £7 (waged). All profit will go to funding the Scottish Saving IcelandCollective.Email; to reserve your tickets!More info;

3) TURNING UP THE HEAT - LONDON, CARDIFF, MANCHESTER and ONLINE, 8/10/13.5.08Can big business save the planet? A series of interactive debates onclimate change and corporate power. Attend the live events or watchonline!Thursday 8 May - Can the free market stop climate change? 7:30-9:30pm atAmnesty International Human Rights Action Centre 17-25 New Inn Yard LondonEC2A 3EA.10.5.08 – ‘Will biofuels help combat climate change?’ 2:30-4:30pm CardiffUniversity, Main Building, Shandon Theatre, Park Place CF10 3AT.13.5.08 – ‘Does climate change mean we should restrict aviation &tourism?’ 7:30-9:30pm, Manchester Convention Centre, Cockcroft Theatre,Sackville Street M1 3BB.To book your free place and to register to watch online please go to or call 020 7820 4900 for more information.

4) BIG BLETHER 6 - GLASGOW, 9-11.5.08Talamh Life Centre, Near Glasgow.BB is a meeting place for activists to bring and share ideas, informationand enthusiasm and to create action out of inspiration. Everyone iswelcome to participate and contribute - big or small. There will beworkshops on Saturday and Sunday, including everything from climate changeissues, creative campaigning and transition towns to nuclear resistance,yoga and woodland crafts. BB is a non-profit organisation and entrancewill be by donation.

5) CLIMATE CAMP SPEAKERS' TRAINING - MANCHESTER, 17.5.08If you would like to talk to people about the Climate Camp and helpinspire hundreds of people to come this year, then this training is foryou. The networking team in conjunction with COIN ( TRAPESE ( have designed a shortpresentation/ workshop that anyone can give to groups interested in comingto the camp.10:30 till 5:30pm.Contact; to book your place.

6) MAKE A NOISE! - LONDON, 31.5.08An agenda for colossal airport expansion and colossal climate changedemands a colossal response. You're invited to a carnival on Saturday 31stMay, which will make its way from Hatton Cross Tube Station (PiccadillyLine, 12pm) to Sipson, the village that will be wiped out if Heathrowexpansion goes ahead. At the end, you'll have the chance to help form agreat big NO! spelt out by human bodies. Organisers hope to set a newworld record for the biggest and loudest NO! in the world.

7) CLIMATE ACTION WITH A BITE! - NATIONAL, 3.6.08The food we eat contributes up to a third of the emissions poisoning theplanet. It's time for a detox! Climate action starts on your dinner plate,at the supermarket, on your allotment and in your back yard, at the fooddistribution centres, down on the farm, in your high street, at theairport and the lorry park. Whatever your tastes, there's something foreveryone on this action menu! Local food markets, free food stalls,workshops and film showings, street theatre, info stalls, protests anddirect action, cooking demonstrations, allotment shows. Get creative andget involved!This Day of Action on Climate Change has been called by the Network forClimate Action in co-operation with the Rising Tide Network and the Campfor Climate Action. It has been planned to coincide with The UN Conferenceon World Food Security and Climate Change, which runs from 3rd to 5thJune.Please email; for further info.


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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Police at the Camp for Climate Action national organising meeting; and my near arrest.

The forward intelligence team where out in force filming and photographic people attending this meeting to plan the camp for climate action which this year will focus on biofuels and, at kingsnorth, coal power.

The video starts with me arriving at camp and wondering where the police are. They usually come along and intimidate/photograph people at our open meeting; the minutes to which are later posted online.

After the police arrive and start giving out leaflets, I go outside to wellcome people and tone down the intimidation. After a while one co speaks to me about the fact that i had wandered between the photographer and the people being photographed. Although this isnt illigal--you have to actually be interfering with the camera to be comiting a crime--that judgement is to be made in court. Therefore a caution for this is possible; once cautioned the police officer stated that withholding details for a caution is itself a crime! The start of this isn't on film, the only section that is on film is the part of my near arrest when i passed my camcorder over to a friend, i didnt want to take it to the police cells. We continued to argue for about five minutes, after which I gave them my name and address so that i could get on with the peaceful meeting that i came to attend.

The point worth stressing about this is that it shows how 'responsible' police really are, how over policed peaceful action on the most serious problem of our time is, and how the ballance of power is set against law abiding people taking part in the democratic process in a meanngful participative manner.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Climate Camp Meeting in London: I nearly got arrested!

Just got a wireless signal in Greenpeace HQ, so i`m sharing my little bit of drama. The national climate camp meeting often attracts a good police presence and today is no exception. Probably about eight police officers outside, i found the building due to a police van going down the right street.

I`m helping with the welcome desk and also headed outside to lower the initimidation factor of a group of police officers with cameras and leaflets. Talk about criminalisation!

After about half an hour I walked in front of a camera a few times to stop some people getting photographed. This isn't illegal, if i`d used my hands to block the lens of the camera, that would be. However, this is an argument for court, I was cautioned and asked for my name and address. If I failed to give these I would be arrested for failing to provide details for a caution.

Basically, it would have been a joke at court, and may well not have got to that, however they would have detained me for 6 hours and got my details. Doomed by a system slanted in favour of the police I gave my details.  They may well find this site, i thught they already had, so hello police people, glad to see that there isn't any serious or menacing crime in London.


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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Climate Change and The Student Movement: UK Conference 6/7th June in Brighton

On friday the 6th and saturday the 7th of June a large climate change conference specifically for students is being held in Brighton. This could be a very important moment for UK student engagement in climate change. Judging by the groups and people involved it is going to be a very big deal. Registration is available now on the website, open until 31st of May.

Speakers will include George Marshall of COIN, Caroline Lucas MEP and speakers from Greenpeace, People and Planet and many others. The idea is to build an agenda for campaigning during o8/09. Now is the time to get things moving in a big way.

  • Main conference ticket fri/sat - £8 - Includes all listed workshops, keynotes and Fri crash pad accommodation. Book online now @
  • Extra option: Award Winning Coin Speaker Training on Sunday at the massively reduced price of £8 for the day or book the whole weekend for just £14 (limited places)

Fri/Saturday Timetable Includes:

The state we're in: science from the front line. (Caroline Lucas MEP)
Overcoming climate denial (George Marshall)

  1. Biofuels (Biofuel watch) -
  2. Ethical Consumption: The Solution to What? -
  3. The Trouble With Offsetting (Carbon Trade Watch) -
  4. The Nuclear Option (Greenpeace) -
  5. Corporate Social Responsibility and its green limits (corporate watch) -
  6. Zero Carbon Britain: an alternative energy strategy (Zero Carbon Britain) -
  7. Contraction and Convergence: a global solution? (GCI) -
  8. Political Systems: Capitalism, Socialism or Anarchy? -
  9. Eco-nomics? (New Economics Foundation) -
  10. Running Effective Meetings and Negotiations -
  11. How to use the Media (New Internationalist) -
  12. Planning Your Campaign (People and Planet)-
  13. Non-Violent Direct Action (Seeds for Change) -
  14. What Role Does The N.U.S have in fighting Climate Change? -
  15. Campaigning Success: Food and Flights in Universities (Food 4 US and Eco-Uni) -
  16. The Importance of Universities in the Climate Campaign and what you can do about it - Students: Working with Workers (Workers Climate Action)-

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Monday, May 05, 2008

New Report by Nicholas Stern (of Stern Review fame)

Nicholas Stern has just published a new report at LSE entitled "key elements of a global deal on climate change".

Thanks to Treehugger for spreading the word about this, find the press conference here.

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Minutes of April 23rd Global Climate Campaign Conference Call

Global Climate Campaign conference call 23rd of April

On the call:

  1. Fiona Dear Campaign against Climate Change (UK)
  2. John Ackers Campaign against Climate Change (UK)
  3. Diana Vogtel Campaign against Climate Change (UK)
  4. Ben Margolis GCAP (Global Call against Poverty) (UK)
  5. Dylan Penner Act for the Earth (Canada)
  6. Felix Nieto Globalizate (Spain)
  7. Will Bates (US)
  8. Christina Hering Klima Allianz (Germany)
  9. Mareike Britten Greenpeace International
  10. Susann Scherbarth FOE Europe
  • Reports from countries around the world on prospects for the Global Day of Action 2008 and other campaigning activities:

    Felix reports from Spain: on 20th April over 40 organisations including Greenpeace Spain and FOE Spain organised a rally through Madrid. There was a turnout of 3000, which was smaller than expected due to bad rain, but at the protest they started leafleting for the GDA demonstration, which will be on 29th November as 6th December is a bank holiday. Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth Spain will also be involved in the Spanish GDA protest this year.

    Dylan reports from Canada: they are starting a tour on biotechnology and biofuels, and are also planning a climate camp this summer at Parliament Hill. This event can be used to spread the word about the next GDA mobilisation. There is one obstacle in Canada for the next GDA as the 6th of December is the Day against violence against women (remembering a massacre 20 years ago). However, Act for the Earth is trying to make as many links as possible to women’s groups and the gender aspect of climate change to turn this obstacle into an advantage. As an aftermath of the protests last year 6 people who got arrested will face trial this May. Act for the Earth will try to use these trials as an opportunity to put the national climate policies “on trial”. Another focus for Canadian organisations will be the G8 that will be back in Canada in 2010.

    Will reports from the US: in the US a team of campaigners (including former campaigners from Step it Up) are concentrating on a campaign called 350 to push the international community to adopt CO2 emissions reduction targets that will keep CO2 gases under 350ppm. The webpage will be ready end of May/beginning of June. The idea is to organise days of action around the number and to find people supporting this campaign in their countries.

    Mareike reports from Greenpeace International: For the build up to the Poznan talks GI are organising a boat tour with the first ship having already left from New Zealand to reach Poland later in the year passing China, India and Spain. In Poland itself Greenpeace will organise a climate camp next to an open coalmine. For the Poznan talks the Solar Generation Network (the global youth network of Greenpeace) is planning to get involved with actions.

    Susann reports from FOE Europe: FOE Europe supports the GDA 2008. They are focusing more on the talks in Copenhagen in 2009 rather than the Poznan talks. However, FOE youth groups will organise a meeting in Poland with about 50 delegates from around Europe and collecting messages from all around the world to display at the Poznan talks. Other FOE groups will get involved in actions in their own countries and it is also planned to use the ESF in Sweden for promotion.

    Christina reports from Germany: the Klima Allianz will organise local actions all around Germany for the GDA and they will also mobilise people from the eastern part of Germany to go to Poznan. Beforehand there will be two big demonstrations at coal plants on September the 13th.

    Diana reports from Australia: the organisers of the Walks against Warming (climate demonstrations all over Australia that saw over 100.000 people out in the streets at the last two events) have reported that they will join in on the GDA this year (last year the Walks against Warming happened two weeks before their national elections to push climate change up the election agenda and get rid of a climate unfriendly government –successfully!) and will start preparations for this event soon. At the moment they are getting their thinking caps on for how to make the Walks against Warming even bigger and more appealing this year.

    Fiona reports back from the UK: the three main campaign issues for groups in the UK are at the moment (1) Biofuels (CCC has just organised a public protest against the introduction of the RTFO -Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation - in the UK – working together with BiofuelWatch), (2) Aviation (together with Greenpeace UK, Hacan, NOTRAG and the 2M group CCC is organising a big rally against the plans for a third runaway at Heathrow Airport on 31st May) and (3) the building of new coal fired power plants (there is a proposal pending to build the first new coal plant in the UK for 30 years in Kingsnorth, Kent) For the GDA 2008 there are plans to bring all three of these issues together in a huge rally in London..

    Ben reports from GCAP: the Global Call against Poverty (GCAP) just recently started to work on climate change (they have focused more on development and poverty issues in the past) and make the connection between these two issues. They sent a small team to Bali and are now figuring out how to get involved and build alliances.

    Report back from Warsaw and Brussels meeting:

    Diana reports back from the Brussels meeting: on the 8th of March representatives from European groups from Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Italy as well as representatives from Greenpeace International, FOE Europe and the European Green Party met to discuss their plans for the GDA 2008 and plans for the Copenhagen talks. It has been decided to meet again in Copenhagen this year in September before the ESF to discuss how the GDA can be expanded in Europe and the mobilisation in 2008 can build up to the next GDA in 2009 to ensure a huge mobilisation at the critical Copenhagen talks.
    Information about the upcoming meeting in Copenhagen will be distributed around the Global Climate e-mail list.

    The meeting in Warsaw initiated by Greenpeace Poland and CCC saw lots of energy coming from the Polish groups that attended the meeting to mobilise for this year’s GDA. The idea of a big rally followed by a concert was raised and the Polish climate alliance will follow up on that idea. The Polish groups will meet soon, both in Poznan and Warsaw, to build a steering group and discuss further details.
    Information about the mobilisation process in Poland will be distributed around the Global Climate e-mail list.

    Global Climate Campaign meetings in the build-up to the GDA 2008:
    Copenhagen meeting – see report back from the Brussels meeting above

    Events we can use to promote the GDA 2008:

  • Global Greens meeting (1st-4th May): Fiona from CCC will attend and give a workshop about the Global Climate Campaign in cooperation with GCC colleagues from Nepal
  • Mini COP in Bonn (2nd-13th June): Christina and Mareike will be there; Greenpeace and FOE will have actions there.
  • G8 (5th-9th July): someone from CCC will probably attend, GCAP will be there and Greenpeace and FOE have local offices there that could be contacted to find out what Greenpeace Japan and FOE Japan are planning around climate and the G8

Major Emitters meeting (in July):

Mini COP Ghana (in August): Ghana National CSO Youth Coalition just launched – Dylan will send out more information on the Global Campaign e-mail list

ESF (17th-21st September): Global Climate Campaign meeting in Copenhagen shortly before the ESF. CCC will organise workshops there and are looking for other organisations to work together to push the climate issue at the ESF

GCC newsletter and collation of reports, photos, videos from GDA 2008:

One idea at the Brussels meeting was to start a platform for exchanging news and ideas from different climate campaigns in Europe and around the world – Diana offered to start by using the news section of the Global Climate campaign webpage to put up news bits etc. and to develop this into a regular short e-mail update later in the year (depending on time capacity in the CCC office). So all climate campaigns are invited to send their recent updates, news etc… to and Diana will put the info up on the GCC webpage. John mentioned that the GCC webpage gets 400-500 hits per day during the year and 4000-5000 hits per day in the run up for the GDA in November/December.

Dylan reported from their plans in Canada to produce a YouTube video to promote the GDA 2008. They had a good experiences with this last year and he reckons that we could use also the video outside Canada and translate it into other languages. He asks for help with translation as well as video footage from the last GDA from around the world. Mareike mentions that GI is working with volunteer translators who may help with that.


Ben points out that the 10th of December is the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights and suggests building up good links to human rights groups in the run-up to the GDA 2008.

Next call:

The next conference call will be on the 21st of May at 12 noon, GMT.

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Isn't Democracy Wonderful?

If London wants to bite off its own nose to spite its own collective face, who am I to argue? The answer to a crisis in participatory democracy is obviously to install an aristocracy of Old Etonian Buffoons and kiss the future goodbye.
Words fail me.

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